Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Peter Mandelson at Leveson Inquiry

Nothing that hasn't been covered already, but it does remind us that a) The relationships between senior politicians and newspaper proprietors was unhealthy, 2) That some of the press behaved like the secret police in a dictatorship,  and 3) That Tessa Jowell was in a job where she was possibly not expected to do much and certainly was undermined at various points.
Tom Watson's points at Leveson were certainly fascinating. Murdoch was likely to have been briefed, although that is an allegation, that News International behaved like a floating voter with menace, and that while there was no hard evidence there was a "craven understanding" between senior politicians and NI execs (something which Mandelson touched on yesterday). He then added that NI were paying for a great deal of Mulcare's legal fees and that he has yet to meet a politician who wants to regulate the press.
None of this is new as such, but it does re-enforce the need for a regulated system and that for too long some in the media have behaved like the stasi with swaggering arrogance whilst pretending to be Woodward and Bernstein. It needs to stop and soon!

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