- What reassurances will you give that Cameron's alternative has more teeth than the Press Complaints Commission did?
- What reassurances will you give that taboids will suddenly be well behaved?
- How do you account for the fact that the tabloid press has more power than most politicians? Who elected them?
- What will you do to help promote a society where people go for journalism for news and not tittle tattle and prurient gossip and where we have investigative journalism like Woodward and Bernsteen and not have people prominent in papers like Dacre, Mackenzie, and Littlejohn?
- How will ordinary citizens, in practice , be defended against press intrusion, especially given the way some in the police have behaved during the phone hacking scandal. What guarantees can you give, to the Dowlers and others like them!
Please lobby your MP to vote against the government on Monday!
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